10th International Congress
Motor Vehicles and Motors 2024
  • congress.mvm@kg.ac.rs
  • University of Kragujevac Faculty of engineering
  • 10th and 11th October 2024


On behalf of the Organizing Board, we would like to invite you to participate at 10th International Congress Motor Vehicles and Motors 2024 – MVM 2024 which will held in Kragujevac (Serbia), at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevac, 10th and 11th October, 2024.

This Congress is traditionally organized every two years, by Department for Motor Vehicles and Motors and bythe Faculty of Engineering University of Kragujevac.

About the congress

The aim of the MVM 2024 is to bring together researchers and engineers, to present and discuss ideas, experience, challenges, research results and potential solutions on topics related to:

  1. Power train technology
  2. Vehicle design and manufacturing
  3. Vehicle dynamics and intelligent control systems
  4. Driver/vehicle interface, information and assistance systems
  5. Road traffic safety

About the city

Kragujevac is the centre of Šumadija and Pomoravlje and the neighbouring regions in terms of economy, culture, education, healthcare and politics. With over 180,000 residents, it is the fourth largest city in Serbia. Situated in the heart of both Serbia and the Šumadija region, it covers an area of 835 km2 and has 57 populated areas and 78 self-governing local communities.

Šumadija is characterised by its hilly terrain and gentle rolling slopes. The region got its name from when the area was rich in forests (šuma means forest in Serbian), which today cover a quarter of the total area.

Contact informations

University of Kragujevac

Faculty of engineering

Departament for
Motor Vehicles and Motors


34000 Kragujevac

Sestre Janjic 6


Our location